What to do if your gout symptoms worsen at night

Gout night symptoms aggravation feasible general treatment, drug treatment and so on. 1. General treatment. Create a good sleeping environment, pay attention to keep the joints warm at night, choose suitable sleeping position, increase drinking water during the day and so on. When the joint pain at night, the patient can be localized hot compresses, massage relief. 2. Medication. If the effect of general treatment is not satisfactory or the pain symptoms are serious, if necessary, the patient can follow the doctor’s instructions to use indomethacin, etoricoxib and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve. Non-acute patients can also be based on the condition of the doctor’s orders to take drugs to reduce uric acid. Commonly used are allopurinol, febuxostat and other drugs to inhibit uric acid production, benzbromarone, probenecid and other drugs to promote uric acid excretion. Gout patients are advised to adjust their mindset and avoid excessive worry about their condition, so as not to further affect the quality of sleep. Once the diagnosis of gout or recurrent gout attacks, it is recommended that patients go to a regular hospital in a timely manner, under the guidance of the doctor to use medication, avoid self-medication, so as to avoid delays in the condition or the emergence of adverse reactions.

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