Stomach ache that is relieved by lying down What is it?

Gastroparesis, mostly referred to as epigastric pain, which is relieved by lying down, may be related to gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and mild acute pancreatitis. 1. Gastric ulcer: due to the increased secretion of gastric acid and the weakening of the gastric mucosal barrier leading to mucosal defects, food and gastric acid stimulation of the ulcer surface will induce pain. If the position is changed after eating, the ulcer surface is no longer in contact with food and gastric acid, the pain will improve. 2. Duodenal ulcer: especially the posterior wall ulcer, the posterior wall ulcer is not easy to be detected and also easy to cause back pain, if you change the position lying down may relieve the symptoms of epigastric pain. 3. Mild acute pancreatitis: due to the enlargement of the pancreas pulling the peritoneum, sometimes lead to abdominal pain, difficult to distinguish from stomach pain. Because the pancreas is a retroperitoneal organ, if you change your position and lie down, you can also reduce the stimulation of the pancreas. There are many other causes of stomach pain after lying down symptoms are relieved, it is recommended to go to the regular hospital in time, after the cause of the disease is clear, under the guidance of the doctor to carry out targeted treatment, so as not to delay the condition.

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