Formulation of Strengthening the Waist and Kidney Pills

Strong Waist and Kidney Pills consists of Dog’s Spine, Black Tiger, Jack-in-the-pulpit, Mulberry, Chasteberry, Chicken Blood Vine, Golden Cherry, and Niu Dali. The dosage used in the formula is not clearly stated in the instructions for use of the drug. The formula is composed of dog’s spine, black tiger, jackfruit, mulberry, chasteberry, chickweed vine, golden cherry seed, cow vigorously, cuscuta and so on, which has the effect of strengthening the waist and kidneys, dispelling wind and activating collaterals. Clinically, it can be used for the treatment of lumbago, musculoskeletal pain, knee weakness, insomnia, frequent urination and other diseases caused by kidney deficiency. When used, it should be noted that pregnant women, children, cold and fever should be avoided. At the same time, avoid cold food. If you need to use the strong waist and kidney pill, it is recommended to go to a regular hospital, under the guidance of a professional physician to identify the treatment.

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