What does cupping do?

Cupping has the function of dispelling wind and dampness (dispelling wind and dampness in the body), warming the meridians and dispelling cold (warming the meridians of the body and dispelling cold in the body), activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis (promoting the operation of the blood and eliminating blood stasis in the body), subduing swellings and relieving pain (eliminating swellings and pain), pulling out toxins and absorbing pus, dispelling decay and generating new ones, warming the yang and benefiting the qi, and supporting the uprightness and solidification of the root, and so on. Cupping method has a wide range of adaptability, for a variety of pain diseases, wind, cold, dampness and paralysis, as well as visceral dysfunction, meridians blockage caused by a variety of diseases have a good therapeutic effect, for the treatment of headache, chest pain (the chest and ribs area collectively), rheumatism and paralysis, lumbar and leg pain, colds and coughs, pneumonia, asthma, sprains, stomach ache, boils and pain and other illnesses. Cupping is not recommended for patients suffering from high fever, convulsions, acute severe diseases, chronic generalized debilitating diseases, contact infectious diseases, diseases with bleeding tendency, fractures before complete healing, and acute joints, ligaments, and tendons with severe injuries. Cupping is not suitable for the eyes, ears, mouth, nose and other organs; skin ulcers and ruptures; localized lumps of unknown cause; infants and young children, pregnant women’s lumbosacral and abdominal, anterior and posterior nether regions, breasts and other parts of the body. Cupping is not recommended for people who are too hungry, drunk, overfed, or overworked. The use of cupping therapy, need to be operated by a doctor, do not operate on their own to avoid adverse consequences.

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