How long after gastroscopy can you drink water

It takes about 0.5-2 hours after gastroscopy before you can drink water. Gastroscopy is an invasive examination method, which can cause discomfort during the examination, and patients need to be anesthetized during the examination. During this period, the smooth muscle of the esophagus and the swallowing function of the pharynx will be impaired, so if you drink water too early, it will not only cause difficulty in swallowing, but also some people will cough and choke. After 30 minutes or so, the anesthetic drug will be gradually metabolized, and only then can a small amount of water be drunk. A part of the people will extract biopsies for pathological examination during gastroscopy, or endoscopic polyp removal surgery, should also extend the drinking time, try to drink water only after about 2 hours. Drinking water should be as warm and close to body temperature as possible to avoid irritation of the gastric mucosa, which is not conducive to wound recovery.

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