What kind of Chinese medicine for cold head and fear of wind

Cold head and fear of wind may be related to qi or yang deficiency in addition to environmental and physiological factors. Clinical treatment can be based on the use of Yu Ping Feng San and Jin Gui Kidney Qi Pill to treat the disease.
1. If the onset of the disease is rapid and the duration of the disease is short, accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue (mental exhaustion, physical weakness), dizziness, lack of energy and laziness (lack of strength, not wanting to speak), weakness of the limbs, spontaneous sweating (involuntary sweating during the day, aggravated by sweating with slight movement), and symptoms exacerbated by moving, most of the time it is a qi deficiency, and the treatment can be given to Yupingfengsan for benefiting qi and replenishing the deficiency.
2. If the onset of the disease is slow and the course is long, accompanied by symptoms such as fear of cold, coldness, lack of warmth in the limbs, tiredness and weakness (fatigue), soreness and weakness of the waist and knees (a feeling of soreness and weakness of the waist and knees), and long and clear urine, it is mostly a deficiency of yang, and the treatment can be Jin Gui Kidney qi Pills for warming and tonifying yang qi.
If it is simply a cold head and fear of wind, it may be related to wearing less clothes, and can be relieved by adding more clothes; if there are also the above concurrent symptoms, then we should consult the doctor in time to avoid delaying the condition.

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