What’s wrong with the eye boogers after taking pharyngitis tablets?

Taking pharyngitis tablets usually does not cause more eye boogers, but it cannot be ruled out that it is caused by consuming too much spicy and irritating food during the process of using the medicine. Eye droppings are a common secretion from the eye, and their increase is often caused by conjunctivitis due to eye infections. Pharyngitis tablets are a kind of proprietary Chinese medicine for patients with chronic pharyngitis who suffer from dry throat, itchy throat and irritating cough, which can effectively relieve the symptoms of patients. Taking pharyngitis tablets usually does not lead to increased eye discharge, but if patients consume too much spicy, oily, fishy food during the period of medication, it may aggravate the existing disease and symptoms such as increased eye discharge may occur. In addition, increased eye discharge may also be caused by conjunctivitis. The cause of the disease is caused by microbial infections and external stimuli, and patients may experience discomfort such as foreign body sensation, burning sensation and increased secretion in the eyes, sometimes accompanied by photophobia, tearing and other symptoms. Once there is a long-term increase in eye discharge, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time to clarify the cause of the disease, and actively carry out targeted treatment.

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