What conditions can cause sciatica?

  Sciatica is the pain that occurs along the sciatic nerve pathway and its distribution, namely in the buttocks, posterior thigh, posterior lateral calf and lateral foot. Its can be a separate condition, sciatica, while in the vast majority of cases it is a syndrome secondary to other diseases.  The etiology of sciatica can be divided into two main categories: primary and secondary (symptomatic). Primary sciatica, or sciatica neuritis, is a rare clinical condition that is mainly an interstitial inflammation of the sciatic nerve, caused by infections of the teeth, paranasal sinuses, tonsils, and other foci that invade the outer coat of the nerve via the bloodstream, and is often accompanied by myositis and fibrous tissue inflammation. Secondary sciatica is more common clinically, mainly caused by stimulation and compression of adjacent tissue lesions in the sciatic nerve pathway or by systemic diseases.  Common causes include: 1. spinal disorders: such as lumbar disc herniation, lumbar spinal stenosis, spinal slippage, etc., or other intraspinal occupying lesions, such as lumbar tuberculosis, spinal osteomyelitis, etc.; 2. intraspinal disorders: such as inflammation of the spinal cord and cauda equina, tumors, trauma, vascular malformations, arachnoid adhesions, etc.; 3. pelvic disorders: such as sciatic nerve pelvic outlet stenosis, pear-shaped muscle lesions, sacroiliac arthritis, sacroiliac joint 4, pelvic disorders: such as chronic pelvic inflammation, adnexitis, tumor, lymph node metastasis cancer, etc.; 5, improper location of hip drug injection: sciatic nerve encapsulation due to traumatic hematoma; 6, toxic metabolic disorders: such as diabetes mellitus, etc.

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