What’s with the pimples after shaving?

After scraping a lot of pimples may be the scraping environment is poor, staff strength is greater and scraping utensils unclean and other factors triggered.
1. scraping environment is poor: if scraping environment, health and other conditions are poor, space may appear dust mites, dust and other allergenic substances, which may induce pimples appear.
2. staff strength: if the staff scraping Gua Sha’s strength is large, may make the hair follicle injury, triggering local inflammation, pimples and other symptoms.
3. scraping utensils unclean: if scraping used to tools, utensils and other objects are not clean, may lead to bacteria and other germs infected human body, and then lead to pimples.
If there is a lot of pimples after scraping, it is recommended that the patient go to the regular hospital for an interview to clarify the cause.

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