What to do when a cough shakes the lower left side of your ribs?

Coughing and coughing to the lower left side of the ribcage pain, mostly consider pleurisy, costochondritis and other diseases, treatment includes drug treatment, surgical treatment, etc., the use of drugs should follow the doctor’s instructions. 1. Pleurisy: If pneumonia is accompanied by pleurisy, active anti-infective treatment is needed, such as ceftriaxone, etc., and cough suppressants, such as aminobromine hydrochloride, can be used at the same time. If it is tuberculous pleurisy, anti-tuberculosis treatment is needed, such as the use of streptomycin, rifampicin and so on. 2. Costal chondritis: non-specific costal chondritis is the most common, and most patients have a history of upper respiratory tract infections before the disease. If the pain is severe, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen can be used, and localized closed treatment with procaine is also feasible. If non-surgical treatment is not effective, surgical treatment can be chosen to remove the diseased rib cartilage. Cough shocked the lower left side of the ribs pain can also be seen in other causes, it is recommended that the patient timely medical treatment, so as not to delay the condition.

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