How to take Sanghwang

Sanghuang can be decocted with water and taken internally or powdered and applied externally. Sanghuang has the effect of activating blood circulation, stopping bleeding, resolving drinking and stopping diarrhea.
Sanghuang, also known as Mulberry Parasite and Sangchen, is sweet, bitter, pungent and cold in nature; it belongs to the liver and kidney meridians. Clinically, it is mainly used for the treatment of hematochezia, hemorrhagia (blood in urine with pain), prolapse of anus and diarrhea, dysmenorrhea, menstrual closure, obstruction in the abdomen (tangible or intangible lumps in the abdomen, with distension and pain), drinking fetish (fetishism caused by water and drink stopping under the coercive organs for a long time), and diarrhea of deficiency of the spleen, and other diseases.
Sang Huang is often used in combination with Sang Ye, Che Qian, Atractylodes Macrocephalae and Angelica Sinensis. If you need to use Sanghuang, it is recommended to use it under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and do not use it arbitrarily.

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