Commonly used herbs to tonify kidney yang

Commonly used Chinese medicines to tonify kidney yang are deer antler, Zihechuan, Baqitian, Xianmao, lock yang, etc. These medicines mainly enter the kidney meridian to tonify kidney yang as the main effect. 1. Deer antler: can tonify the kidney and Yang (the role of tonifying the kidney Yang), benefit the essence and blood, strong muscles and bones, regulating the Chong Ren, to sores and poisons. This product is endowed with the nature of pure yang, with the vitality of the gas, so it can be a strong tonic kidney yang, benefit essence and blood. Where heat, yin deficiency and hyperactivity (yin deficiency, hyperactivity) should be avoided. 2. Morinda citrifolia: can tonify kidney yang, strong muscles and bones, dispel wind-dampness. This product is sweet and moist, not dry, into the kidney meridian, tonifying the kidney to help yang, and can be strong bones. Should not be used by those who have a deficiency of yin and fire (deficiency of yin and essence in the body and hyperactive fire). 3. Xianmao: can tonify kidney yang, strengthen muscles and bones, and dispel cold and dampness. This product is hot, pungent and dry, good at tonifying the vital essence and revitalizing yang, treating renal yang deficiency (lack of yang in the kidneys), failure of vital essence (weakness of renal yang in the body, with a reduced function of warming and promoting the operation of qi and blood), impotence, premature ejaculation and infertility of jing (essence cold), etc. It is not suitable for people with deficiency of kidney yang. This product is dry, hot and toxic, should not be overdosed, long service, yin deficiency and fire should not be served. 4. Lock yang: can tonify kidney yang, benefit essence and blood, laxative. This product is sweet and warm, into the kidney meridian, can tonify kidney Yang, benefit essence and blood. It should not be taken by people with yin deficiency and fire exuberance, loose stools or hot constipation. All of the above medicines can help to tonify kidney yang, but Chinese medicine emphasizes the importance of the use of the king, the minister, the auxiliary and the complementary, if there is a need for medication, it is recommended to consult a professional Chinese medicine practitioner to diagnose and administer the medication.

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