What’s wrong with the pain at the thigh-calf junction?

Thigh and calf joint pain is the knee joint, pain here, the possible causes are trauma, meniscus injury, knee ligament injury, knee synovitis and so on.
1. Trauma: when the human knee joint area is traumatized such as violent impact, it may lead to dislocation of the soft tissues and ligaments of the knee joint area, strain, fracture and other phenomena, resulting in pain in the thigh and calf joint.
2. Meniscus injury: due to long-term weight bearing squatting, knee sprains, etc., the meniscus in the knee joint is subjected to severe injuries, which may lead to tearing of the posterior horn of the meniscus, causing pain in the connection between the thigh and the calf.
3. Knee ligament injury: the pain at the joint of thigh and calf may be caused by ligament injury around the knee joint due to sprains, falls and other reasons.
4. Knee synovitis: Knee synovitis caused by cold, trauma, strain and other reasons, can make the patient appear thigh and calf joint pain.
Thigh and calf joint pain may also have other reasons, it is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner, improve the examination to clarify the cause of the disease, under the guidance of the doctor to give targeted treatment or treatment.

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