Why is the skin of the penis very dark

The skin of the penis is darker than other parts of the skin is a normal physiological phenomenon, because the growth and development of men and the emergence of secondary sexual characteristics, hairy areas of pigmentation will accelerate, the skin near the genitals more obvious performance. The color of the skin near the penis will become darker with the development of its own organs, because with the growth of age and the gradual maturation of its own sexual organs lead to the secretion of androgens in the body, while secondary sexual characteristics will also appear, such as the emergence of beard, throat knot. The skin color of all parts of the body is basically the same when you just give birth from the mother, there will not be much color difference, while the development of the body’s melanin will also have selective deposition, will gather in the more hairy areas to make its color deepen, mostly in the penis, scrotum and other nearby, there are also some people around the anus will also have the trend of darkening color.

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