What to do if you can’t move your back with severe pain

Severe pain in the waist can not move may be acute lumbar sprain, lumbar disc herniation, kidney stones and other factors lead to different causes of different treatments, common treatments are general treatment, surgical treatment and so on. 1. Acute lumbar sprain: mostly due to the patient’s lumbar exertion or too much force to cause lumbar muscles, fascia, ligaments and other soft tissues are overly involved, resulting in acute soft tissue lacerations. Should be immediately braked, severe pain can also be oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory painkillers such as ibuprofen to improve the symptoms. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to bed rest and avoid physical labor to aggravate the injury. 2. Lumbar disc herniation: In the process of moving objects or twisting the waist, sudden violence, injury, resulting in intervertebral discs from the middle of the two vertebrae out of the middle, which will cause serious lumbar disc herniation and lumbar disc prolapse. Severe compression of the nerve roots of the lower extremities causes severe back pain. Patients should stay in bed to reduce the pressure on the intervertebral disk, go to the hospital to assess the degree of herniation and follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment. 3. Kidney stones: the precipitation of stone-forming substances in the urine, the accumulation of stones, moving in the kidney caused by renal colic, triggering severe pain in the lower back, can be treated by ultrasonic lithotripsy, laser lithotripsy and other surgical procedures. 4. Fracture: Fracture in the waist caused by trauma causes severe pain, which can be treated by surgical restoration and fixation. Intense pain in the lower back can also be caused by lumbar malignant tumors, gynecological diseases and other factors, it is recommended that patients go to the regular hospital in time to clarify the situation and be corresponding treatment.

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