50 Can Frozen Shoulder Cure Itself If It’s Severe?

Frozen shoulder at 50 years old is generally able to heal itself, but also through physical therapy, functional exercises to shorten the course of the disease. Frozen shoulder is due to the formation of aseptic inflammation around the shoulder joint due to strain injury. Frozen shoulder occurs around the age of 50 years old and is commonly known as the 50 shoulder. Frozen shoulder is a self-limiting disease, even without treatment, most patients can recover after 1~2 years and thus heal themselves. For severe frozen shoulder, it can be treated with physical therapy such as hot compresses, baking, massage, and functional exercises such as active and passive shoulder abduction, forward flexion, backward extension, as well as wall-climbing and back-rubbing, which can significantly shorten the course of the disease. If symptoms of frozen shoulder occur, it is recommended that patients go to the hospital to improve the examination and receive regular treatment.

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