Can keratitis cause blindness?

Keratitis can lead to blindness. Since the cornea is a very important refractive interstitium and a necessary structure for the eye to perform its imaging role, if keratitis is more severe, it can affect vision and even blindness.
Keratitis is usually caused by bacterial, viral, or fungal infections. If the patient’s keratitis is not very serious, and timely consultation and treatment, under the guidance of the doctor using cephalosporin, ketoconazole, ganciclovir and other drugs to control the infection, under normal circumstances, mild keratitis can be cured and recovered, and has little effect on vision.
However, if keratitis is not taken seriously or improperly treated, resulting in recurrent episodes of keratitis, deeper infiltration levels, and the formation of severe keratitis. Corneal ulcers, perforations, and corneal fistulas appear, which lead to intraocular infection and may result in total eye atrophy and thus blindness. Even if the inflammation is controlled, localized scarring may form, causing irreversible effects on vision.
Therefore, once keratitis occurs, we should pay attention to it, consult a doctor in time, and treat it under the guidance of a professional doctor, so as to avoid delaying the condition and causing adverse consequences.

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