How to cure cataracts

  Cataract is one of the most common reversible, blinding eye diseases in clinical practice and has a very high prevalence in the elderly. Painless, progressive, blurred vision is the typical clinical presentation of cataracts. Currently, the main method of treatment is surgery to help restore normal vision to patients.  Clinically, there is no one recognized, truly effective drug for cataracts. This is because cataracts form as a result of the natural aging of the human eye. It is the same as an elderly person growing gray hair.  Surgical treatment is currently the accepted and only treatment for cataracts. For patients with intermediate to advanced stages, surgical treatment can help restore normal vision. A common method of modern cataract surgery is ultrasound-emulsification cataract extraction with IOL implantation. Before surgery, patients must pay attention to rest, avoid overuse of eyes, improve relevant examinations and follow medical advice for preoperative preparation to achieve the best surgical treatment results. Patients who have severe dry eye, conjunctivitis, or lacrimal sac infection before surgery should be treated in advance before surgery. Excessive eye use should also be avoided before surgery to ensure adequate sleep time.  In summary, there is no drug treatment for cataracts and surgery is the only effective treatment.

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