Cost of cataract surgery for the elderly

Cataract is a common disease of the eye, mainly seen in middle-aged and elderly people. For the treatment of this disease, surgery is still the mainstay, and the most common surgical procedure is cataract ultrasound emulsification combined with IOL implantation. The cost of the surgery is about 5,000-10,000 RMB. The cost of the surgery consists of two parts: the first part is the cost of the surgery itself, which costs about $3000. The second part is the IOL that is chosen, and the price of this part of the cost is uncertain. Because there are many different types of IOLs, ranging in price from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, the choice needs to be based on the patient’s condition as well as his or her financial situation. If the patient is young and has a very good eye condition, he or she can choose a better IOL, such as a bifocal or trifocal, for about a few thousand dollars or around $10,000-20,000. If the patient is old and frail or has fundus disease, the prognosis is not too good, so an ordinary IOL can be chosen for a price of about 1000-2000 RMB.

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