Eat greasy things stomach upset eat what medicine

If you have difficulty in digesting greasy food, you can take Domperidone, Gastrointestinal Tablets, Multi-Enzyme Tablets, Omeprazole and other medications to treat it. The greasy food contains a lot of fat and cholesterol, which is difficult to digest, especially if people with indigestion eat greasy food, the stomach will not be able to empty the food in time and stomach pain, then you can eat drugs to promote gastrointestinal power, domperidone belongs to the common gastrointestinal power drugs, the main role is to increase the peristalsis and tension of the stomach, shorten the stomach food The main function is to increase the peristaltic movement and tension of the stomach, shorten the emptying time of food in the stomach, and avoid the stimulation of the stomach wall caused by the retention of food in the stomach. Gastrointestinal tablets are a common digestive aid that not only helps digest food in the stomach, but also improves the function of the spleen and stomach, and has a regulatory effect on the weakness of the spleen and stomach. Some people have difficulty in stomach after eating greasy food because of insufficient secretion of digestive juices, so they can use multi-enzyme tablets for relief. Some people have difficulty in stomach after eating greasy food because of excessive secretion of stomach acid, you can use omeprazole to block the secretion of stomach acid, and the stomach discomfort can be improved after the secretion of stomach acid is relieved.

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