Are rice cakes high in calories?

Rice cake is a kind of food with high calorie content, and the calorie content is around 156 calories per 100 grams of rice cake.
In every 100 grams of rice cakes, it contains 3.3 grams of protein, 34.7 grams of carbohydrates, 0.6 grams of fat, 0.8 grams of dietary fiber, etc. The calories contained are around 156 calories, which is relatively high, so it can be used as one of the staple foods, and its main role is to provide calories and carbohydrates.
For those who have the need to lose weight, you can eat rice cakes on a daily basis, but you should limit your intake of rice cakes appropriately so as not to cause obesity by over-consumption.
Rice cakes are mostly made of glutinous rice and are sticky, so the crowd should avoid consuming them in large quantities over a long period of time so as not to aggravate the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, which is not conducive to the health of the organism. It is worth noting that the crowd should avoid eating fried, barbecued rice cakes, because unreasonable cooking methods will lead to further increase the calorie of rice cakes.
It is recommended that the crowd eat rice cakes in moderation, but also reasonably with other fresh fruits, vegetables, meat products, eggs, etc., to ensure a balanced intake of nutrients.

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