How to treat hives

Urticaria is a limited edema that occurs in the skin mucosa due to a temporary increase in vascular permeability. Urticaria can be treated by removing the cause of the disease, medication, ultraviolet light treatment and so on. 1. Remove the cause of treatment: eliminate the triggers or suspected causes of urticaria is conducive to the natural subsidence of urticaria, such as suspected food-related urticaria patients, should be as far as possible to find food allergens and avoid. 2. Drug therapy: antihistamines (such as loratadine, ebastine, etc.), glucocorticoids (such as prednisone, dexamethasone, etc.) can be used. 3. Ultraviolet light treatment: for some refractory chronic urticaria can be treated with Patchouli long-wave ultraviolet light (PUVA) or medium-wave ultraviolet light. If you have urticaria, it is recommended to consult a doctor in a timely manner, under the guidance of a professional physician for treatment, the use of drugs need to follow the doctor’s instructions, not blindly use their own medication, so as not to cause adverse consequences.

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