Normal body temperature of 8 months old baby

The normal standard for temperature determination in 8-month-old children is the same as that of adults, with the frontal and axillary areas being 36°C-37°C and the anal temperature being 36.5°C-37.5°C as the normal value range. However, the development of the child’s temperature regulation center is not as mature as that of adults, and the fluctuation of body temperature will vary greatly with the increase and decrease of activity, but usually will not exceed the standard value. The following are common abnormalities and treatment methods: 1, hypothermia: If the child sweats a lot, did not do timely warmth, or take antipyretic drugs in excess of the body temperature caused by hypothermia, then you need to keep warm, dry the body sweat, drink hot water as slowly as possible to restore the body temperature, this time baking fire and other practices are not suitable. 2, fever: 37 ℃ or more for fever, the treatment methods mainly have warm water in the forehead, neck, armpit and groin area. The fever can be treated by wiping the armpits and groin area, and the frontal area can be put on a fever-reducing patch, which is called physical cooling. commonly used fever-reducing drugs include Chai Hu granules, which are mainly used for children below 38.5°C. Above 38.5°C, it is recommended to use the fever-reducing program of ibuprofen combined with acetaminophen, which can be used once in 4-6 hours.

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