How many days after menstruation to detect pregnancy

If a woman of childbearing age has had sexual intercourse, when her period is delayed for about three days, she can go to the hospital to take intravenous blood for HCG to detect pregnancy, and the results are still relatively accurate. The results of the early pregnancy test can only be used as a reference for pregnancy, but not as a basis for final pregnancy. It is recommended to go to the hospital for blood sampling and ultrasound to determine intrauterine pregnancy. If you are pregnant, you must do regular pregnancy checkups according to your doctor’s instructions and take folic acid supplements in time during the early stage of pregnancy to avoid fetal neural tube abnormalities. If you are not pregnant and plan to prepare for pregnancy, you should also pay attention to taking folic acid, which is recommended to be taken from the first trimester to the second trimester of pregnancy, and pay attention to your diet, do not eat spicy, stimulating and easily inflammable food, pay attention to the combination of work and rest, do not overwork.

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