The dangers and effects of enlarged tonsils

The harms and effects of enlarged tonsils include respiratory disorder, difficulty in swallowing, affecting pronunciation, and affecting pediatric development.
1. Respiratory disorders: because tonsil hypertrophy will cause obstruction to the pharyngeal cavity, which will cause patients to snore and breathe with their mouths open during sleep, as well as apnea during sleep, resulting in lack of oxygen and respiratory disorders.
2. Difficulty in swallowing: enlarged tonsils can also affect the swallowing function, causing the patient to have the feeling of obstruction when eating, and may also have the feeling of pharyngeal discomfort such as dry throat and itchy throat.
3. Impact on pronunciation: if the tonsils are too enlarged, patients pronounce like a small ball in the mouth, appear unclear pronunciation, like the mouth contains things; is due to tonsil hypertrophy on the resonance cavity has an impact, normal pronunciation is completed through the vocal folds vibration, the pharyngeal resonance cavity of the changes will also have a certain impact on the sound.
4. Impact on development: common in children and adolescents, due to tonsillar hypertrophy will block the respiratory function, children may have swallowing disorders, slurred speech, snoring during sleep, open-mouth breathing and so on, these phenomena will affect the patient’s facial and jaw development.
Those with enlarged tonsils causing the above effects and symptoms usually require tonsillectomy to relieve the obstruction and improve ventilation and discomfort such as articulation.
Patients with enlarged tonsils are advised to seek medical attention at a hospital for standardized treatment.

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