How many days of fire-needle treatment for shingles can cure it

Herpes zoster can be cured in a few days with fire needle treatment, and the patient’s physical condition and the severity of the disease and other factors, in general, the symptoms will improve in about 2 weeks of treatment. Herpes zoster, known as “snake sores” in Chinese medicine, refers to clusters of blisters that appear on the skin, mostly in a band-like distribution, painful as fire, mostly in the lumbar, thoracic and hypochondriac (chest and ribcage area collectively referred to as the) Department. Its occurrence is often associated with emotional upset, overeating spicy and thick flavors, feeling hot and poisonous factors. The treatment should be fire-dissolving and detoxifying (to get rid of the fire and poison in the body), and pain-relieving (to dredge the meridians and channels to relieve the pain). Fire needle therapy, refers to the use of millimeters to first pierce the wall of the blister, release the blister fluid, and then the tip of the millimeters by the alcohol lamp flame red, rapid rapid puncture on the skin lesions or painful areas. For larger pustules or blood blisters, i.e., those with a diameter of >0.5 cm, puncture with a coarse fire needle. Add fire cupping after pricking. Herpes zoster fire needle treatment specific need to be operated by a professional physician, not self-operation, so as to avoid the risk of occurrence.

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