What to do if you get a rash on your neck from the sun

Neck after sunshine long red rash is considered to be sunburn, you can through the topical drugs, oral medication, sunscreen and other measures to regulate. 1. Topical medication: you can use topical sunscreen in exposed areas, such as benzophenone, etc.; at the same time with glycerine lotion, compound dexamethasone ointment and other drugs to alleviate the local symptoms. 2. Systemic medication: If the itching is severe, it can be combined with antihistamines such as cetirizine and loratadine, and in severe cases, oral dexamethasone tablets and prednisone tablets should be taken. At the same time, sunlight should be avoided in time to prevent further aggravation of skin lesions. During the treatment period, the diet should be light, eat less stimulating and spicy food, and reduce direct sunlight. All of the above medications should be used in accordance with medical advice. The neck rash after sunshine suggests that the patient to the hospital in time to find out the cause, under the guidance of the doctor treatment, do not self-medication.

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