What are the signs of degenerative osteophytes

Osteophyte degeneration is said to be degenerative lesions of osteophytes, i.e., degenerative lesions of bone, involving different parts of the spine, lumbar spine, knee joints, etc., which are manifested as limited neck movement, lumbar spine pain and stiffness of knee joints pain. 1. Degenerative lesions of the spine: manifestations include limited neck movement with stiffness, popping sound in the spine, numbness in the hands and fingers with electric shock-like sensation. 2. Degenerative lesions of the lumbar spine: clinical manifestations include stiffness, pain and distension of the lumbar spine and soft tissues in the lumbar region, limitation of bending and accompanied by a sense of fatigue. 3. Degenerative joint disease of the knee: it manifests itself as stiffness and pain in the knee joints after walking for a long time and sitting for a long time, which will be relieved by appropriate activities. In serious cases, there will be joint soreness, pain, joint function, squatting limitation, stretching activities with popping sound. If the above symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor for a clear diagnosis and targeted treatment.

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