What’s wrong with the right ear that feels like it’s blocked?

The right ear feels blocked with something, which is a symptom of ear stuffiness and blockage. It is considered to be related to cerumen impaction, otitis media and sudden deafness, etc. It is recommended to consult a doctor in time.
1. Cerumen impaction: It may be the main reason for the blockage of the right ear of the patient, because the cerumen gland secretion is vigorous, cerumen elimination is obstructed and other factors, resulting in cerumen blockage of the ear canal, which causes the patient to have the symptoms of blockage of the ear, as well as tinnitus, hearing loss and other manifestations.
2. Otitis media: If the patient has secretory otitis media caused by pathogen infection, it may be due to the abnormal function of the Eustachian tube, the formation of negative pressure in the middle ear, which will make the patient have the symptom of blockage in the right ear, accompanied by tinnitus, hearing loss, ear blockage and other manifestations.
3. Sudden deafness: some patients may be due to mental stress, emotional instability, irregular life, the use of ototoxic drugs and other factors, resulting in sudden deafness symptoms, which in turn appears in the right ear feels like a blockage of the performance of the same thing, there will also be vertigo, dizziness, ear stuffiness, tinnitus and other symptoms.
There may be other reasons why your right ear feels like it’s blocked, so it’s recommended that you go to the otolaryngology department of the hospital in time to complete the relevant examinations with your doctor to determine the cause of the problem and then follow the doctor’s instructions to deal with the problem and treat it.

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