What is the safe rate of extracorporeal emission during easy pregnancy

The safety rate of ejaculation outside the body during easy pregnancy is related to whether or not any sperm enters the vagina during ejaculation outside the body, and there is no specific research data to refer to. Theoretically speaking extracorporeal ejaculation normally does not result in pregnancy if the sperm does not enter the uterus. However, if a man does not withdraw his ejaculate in time or if a small amount of sperm is present in the prostate fluid secreted by the man in the vagina, an unwanted pregnancy can still occur during the fertile period. When a small amount of sperm enters the vagina and the ejaculation takes place around the time of the woman’s ovulation date, the chances of pregnancy are still relatively high for the combination of egg and sperm, so it is advisable to use contraception during contraception. Therefore, it is recommended to take proper contraceptive measures during the period of contraception, such as wearing condoms, taking birth control pills, etc., so as to avoid unplanned pregnancy, which will affect the feelings of both parties as well as the body of the woman.

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