What is the difference between Gastrointestinal Health Capsules and Feng Polygon Gastrointestinal Health Tablets?

Gastroenterology Kang capsule should refer to Feng Polygonum Gastroenterology Kang capsule, and Feng Polygonum Gastroenterology Kang Tablet difference mainly lies in the dosage form, efficacy and indications are also different.
Feng polygonum gastroenterology kang capsule and Feng polygonum gastroenterology kang tablets are both made by the cow’s ear maple, spicy polygonum as the main components of the Chinese patent medicine. Fengdiao Gastroenterology Kang Tablet has the effect of regulating qi and strengthening the stomach, removing dampness and resolving stagnation, and is suitable for the treatment of acute gastroenteritis caused by unhealthy transportation of qi, stagnation of qi and dampness, as well as indigestion caused by this, such as abdominal distension, abdominal pain and diarrhea.
Feng Polygonum Gastroenterology Kang Capsules can clear heat and remove dampness and stagnation. Used for acute gastroenteritis, diarrhea type and damp-heat diarrhea type, symptoms of abdominal pain and fullness, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, or fever and cold (fear of cold), moss and yellow pulse number. It can also be used for food stagnation stomach pain and symptoms of gastric pain, refusal to press, vomiting bad food, belching and vomiting of acid, thick and greasy tongue coating or yellow greasy pulse.
The main difference between the above two drugs is the different dosage forms, the former belongs to the capsule, the latter belongs to the tablet. The efficacy and indications recorded in the instructions are also different. The contraindications and adverse effects of the two drugs are not clear.
Patients who are not feeling well are advised to consult a doctor in a timely manner, and specific medication should be administered under the guidance of a specialist, not without authorization.

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