How long does it take for a comminuted heel fracture to heal after surgery?

Generally speaking, a comminuted fracture of the heel bone will heal in about two weeks after surgery, and the exact healing time varies from person to person. 1. Usually, if the patient is in good condition after surgery and the wound is not infected, the wound will heal in about two weeks. However, if the wound is not properly cared for and there is infection, the healing time will be longer. When caring for the wound, care should be taken to avoid the wound coming into contact with water and to minimize the movement of the affected area to avoid wound dehiscence. 2,. If the patient has a comminuted fracture of the heel bone, the patient should pay attention to rest and recuperation during the recovery period. At the same time, the patient should pay attention to the daily diet to ensure adequate nutritional intake in order to recover and promote wound healing. After the operation of comminuted calcaneal fracture, patients should follow the doctor’s advice for regular follow-up.

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