What should family members do when symptoms of stroke appear?

        According to a survey by the Ministry of Health in 2008, the mortality rate caused by cerebrovascular disease in China has become the number one killer of the nation and the first cause of death of the Chinese population. Then when patients have symptoms of stroke, such as slurred speech, transient single-eye black haze, weakness of one limb, or even dizziness, rotation of vision, sudden swallowing suffering, choking on water, etc., and when patients are accompanied by these vascular risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, smoking and elderly, patients and patients’ families should go to the nearest general hospital for consultation and treatment at the first time, if it is ischemic Cerebrovascular disease, because intravenous rt-PA drug thrombolysis can be performed within the 3-hour-4.5-hour time window of the onset of the disease, and of course the earlier the treatment time, the better the results. If unfortunately the time is slightly longer than this, interventional arterial thrombolysis can also be considered according to the patient’s specific situation. Please remember one thing: “time is brain”. “Small stroke, big trouble” is the main theme of the World Health Organization’s World Stroke Day around 2010.

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