For a comminuted fracture of the tibial plateau, the limitation of extension, or bending, that occurs during the recovery process can be exercised in the following ways: First, the patient must first warm up well before exercising. For example, it is recommended that patients can use herbal fumigation to fully warm up the knee joint and the surrounding soft tissues. Second, after warming up, the patient can use some passive pulling to exercise. At this time, the patient can adopt a supine position, and then use continuous skin traction below the calf, through this way gradually passive knee straightening exercise. Third, patients can ask their family members or health care providers to help them passively move the knee joint. The patient should remain in the supine position and then ask the above-mentioned person to passively and gradually increase the knee extension mobility. There may be slight pain during this process, but as long as the doctor confirms that it is safe, the patient should tolerate the pain and actively exercise. Fourth, the patient can take a heavy downward pressure. In this case, the patient needs to adopt a supine position, straighten the lower limbs, and then put salt bags of appropriate weight on the upper and lower sides of the knee joint, respectively. Through this way of continuous downward pressure, can also play such exercise effect.
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