How long can you live with early cirrhosis

Early cirrhosis is in the compensated phase, when liver function is not severely impaired and is usually asymptomatic. The patient’s life expectancy depends on the effectiveness of subsequent treatment. If the reversal of the lesions is achieved, the life expectancy is effectively prolonged. Early cirrhosis patients, can be slightly abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite and diarrhea and other manifestations, through active treatment, it is possible to achieve lesion reversal, the patient’s prognosis will also be very good, life expectancy can be prolonged, and can even reach the normal aging death. It can be treated through the following aspects, including removing the cause of the disease, such as the treatment for hepatitis virus; protecting liver function, such as taking surgical treatment for biliary obstruction, oral ursodeoxycholic acid or reduced glutathione and other medications; and avoiding protein decomposition by promoting enteral nutrition. Therefore, how long a patient with early cirrhosis can live depends on the aggressiveness and effectiveness of the subsequent treatment. If liver function is improved by aggressive treatment, the patient’s life expectancy can be effectively prolonged, ranging up to several decades, to that of a normal person.

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