Effects of hydrogen peroxide solution

Hydrogen peroxide solution is an antiseptic that can be used for debridement of traumatic injuries, suppurative otitis externa, and treatment of gum abscesses.
1. Trauma debridement: Hydrogen peroxide solution is commonly used in emergency surgery, mainly used for trauma debridement, which can remove the dirt inside the wound and discharge it out of the body by generating a large number of bubbles when it comes into contact with the wound.
2. Purulent otitis externa: Hydrogen oxide solution can make the abscess disintegrate, and the purulent secretion can be discharged out of the body with the production of bubbles to achieve therapeutic effect.
3. Gingival abscess: the use of hydrogen peroxide solution rinse can reduce periodontal swelling and pain, but also release oxygen molecules, change the anaerobic environment of the periodontium, inhibit the reproduction of anaerobic bacteria.
There are many other effects of hydrogen peroxide solution, it is recommended that patients who want to use hydrogen peroxide solution consult a medical professional to avoid blind use. The use of this product can cause irritating burns of the skin, mucous membranes, gargling can appear tongue papilla hypertrophy and other nasal reactions, allergic to this product and pregnant and lactating women are prohibited.

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