Should I remove the gallbladder polyps and stones that are not yet 1 centimeter?

Gallbladder polyps that are combined with stones are recommended to be removed directly even if they are not 1cm. Gallbladder polyps and gallbladder stones will irritate the gallbladder for a long time, causing the function of the gallbladder to be affected, leading to chronic inflammation of the gallbladder wall, and furthermore, there is a risk of gallbladder cancer, and as the stones and polyps continue to grow, the gallbladder will be affected more and more. 1. If the polyp or stone is less than 1cm in size and does not cause any discomfort, it is recommended to follow up closely and have regular checkups to observe the shape and size of the polyp, and conservative treatments can be taken if the changes are small. 2. If there are both gallbladder polyps and stones, it is recommended to undergo laparoscopic cholecystectomy if it meets the indications for cholecystectomy, otherwise there is a risk of cancer. In addition, when there are gallbladder polyps and stones, it is necessary to pay attention to a light diet, regular work and rest, and appropriate exercise in order to control the progress of the disease.

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