Is a 1.1 cm ground glass nodule serious?

1.1cm ground glass nodule should be judged according to its benign or malignant nature to determine whether it is serious or not, if it is benign then it is not serious, if it is malignant then it is serious. 1. Benign nodules: when patients suffer from pneumonia, Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection, tuberculosis or rheumatoid diseases, the nodules caused by these diseases are generally benign nodules, usually through anti-infection, anti-tuberculosis or hormone treatment, the ground-glass nodules will disappear or gradually become smaller. 2. Malignant nodule: If the edge of the ground glass nodule is unclear, burr-like, lobular, pleural pulling and other signs, it suggests that the possibility of malignant nodule is high, and the diagnosis is confirmed to be lung cancer after pathological diagnosis, which is a very serious situation. Appropriate treatment plan should be selected after determining the stage of cancer, such as surgical treatment, radiotherapy, targeted therapy and so on. The presence of 1.1cm ground-glass nodule should seek timely medical treatment and regular review to clarify the nature of the ground-glass nodule. If it is an early malignant tumor, the survival rate can be effectively improved after active treatment.

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