What’s wrong with the numbness and swelling in the left side of the abdomen?

The left side of the abdomen is numb and swollen, and the possible clinical causes are chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, intestinal inflammation and so on. 1. Chronic gastritis: this condition is mostly related to the infection of the stomach with Helicobacter pylori, which will invade the gastric mucosa and lead to inflammation, clinical manifestations of abdominal discomfort, abdominal distension, belching, vomiting, acid reflux and so on. 2. Pancreatitis: The pancreas is located in the left side of the abdomen, and its inflammation is often associated with bile duct obstruction, the bile is not discharged well, which will cause damage to the pancreatic tissue and aseptic inflammation, the clinical manifestations of the left side of the abdominal pain, loss of appetite, abdominal distension, and so on. 3. Intestinal inflammation: due to unclean food or excessive consumption of stimulating food, the intestinal mucosa is attacked by germs or other stimuli and functional disorders occur, with clinical manifestations of diarrhea, abdominal pain, abdominal distension, etc. If the condition persists, it is recommended that the patient should be treated. If the situation persists, it is recommended to go to the hospital for a clear diagnosis and follow the doctor’s instructions.

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