What are the reasons for the increasing number of spots on the face

Spots on the face may be chloasma, freckles, sun spots, etc. The reasons for more and more spots are sun exposure, lack of water, age aging, endocrine disorders, cosmetic stimulation and so on. 1. Sun exposure: If the skin on the face is exposed to ultraviolet rays for a long time, the ultraviolet rays will accelerate the formation of melanin in the skin, and the skin will be exposed to the sun for a long time, and the pigmentation will form pigmentation. 2. Dehydration: If the skin is dehydrated for a long time, it will affect the normal metabolism rate, which will make it difficult to discharge toxins from the body, resulting in more and more spots. 3. Age aging: the skin will gradually age, and age spots will gradually form on the skin, and the spots on the face will increase as the age grows. 4. Endocrine disorders: If the recent mental stress is too high, or long-term sleep deprivation, it may affect the secretion of hypothalamus pituitary gland, leading to the aggravation of melanin deposition, and the spots will increase. 5. Cosmetic stimulation: If you use poor quality cosmetics for a long time, the lead in poor quality cosmetics will form spots on the skin surface. When such symptoms occur, patients should go to the dermatology department in time to seek medical treatment, do not use drugs privately, so as not to cause adverse reactions.

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