Can vascular Parkinson’s be cured?

Vascular Parkinson’s disease is not curable. Vascular Parkinson’s disease is secondary to cerebrovascular disease, which leads to dysfunctional muscle tone and causes slow walking or non-motor symptoms. The treatment of vascular Parkinson’s disease should not only target Parkinson’s symptoms, improve the patient’s muscle tone, improve the patient’s posture, gait, slow movement, tremor, etc., but also target cerebrovascular disease, such as patients need to take long-term oral aspirin and atorvastatin calcium tablets to lower lipids and stabilize plaque, protect the endothelium, prevent recurrence of cerebral infarction, and strictly control hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia, etc. to prevent the progression of cerebrovascular disease. In addition to pharmacological treatment, patients with vascular Parkinson’s disease should also be helped to recover their neurological functions through systematic rehabilitation training.

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