What causes grinding teeth in sleep

The cause of grinding teeth in bed is not clear, mainly related to the following factors: first, local lesions in the mouth cause night grinding, there are lesions in the mouth such as dental caries, pulpitis, periapical inflammation, pericoronitis of wisdom teeth, etc., which will cause night grinding due to pain and discomfort; second, there are early contact teeth in the mouth, the temporomandibular joint and chewing muscles will reflexively hyperfunction causing night grinding, especially common in children during the teething period; third, the daytime mental Highly tense or overexcited after sleep still have a small part of the cerebral cortex active, causing the chewing muscles to contract resulting in night grinding; fourth, serious calcium deficiency, rickets patients prone to night grinding, night grinding patients can wear a bite pad at bedtime, separating the upper and lower teeth to prevent excessive wear of teeth. For night grinding caused by other lesions in the mouth, you need to treat the disease in the mouth first in order to fundamentally solve the night grinding.

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