The Dangers of Dental Geodesy

The hazards of dental hyperkyphosis, also known as pocket teeth, include: affecting the appearance, affecting the function of the teeth, and affecting pronunciation.
1. Affect the appearance: pockets of teeth manifested as uneven teeth, sunken in the middle of the face, jaw extension affects the development of appearance, easily lead to self-confidence is frustrated, affecting physical and mental health, resulting in depression, anxiety and other psychological disorders.
2. Impact on dental function: due to dental irregularities affecting dental occlusion, leading to dental caries, gum recession and other oral problems, may also affect the chewing function of the teeth, and further cause digestive burden and other systemic problems.
3. Impact on development: It may lead to unclear development, nasal sound and other problems.
Therefore, if there are pockets of teeth, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible for orthodontic treatment and other improvements.

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