How long does a fever usually last with omicron?

Omicron is generally referred to the new coronavirus Omicron strain, there is no authoritative information to show how long the fever of infected with the new coronavirus Omicron strain, the average patient fever time in 1~5 days, the fever time of the serious condition will be more than 7 days. The duration of fever after infection with the Omicron strain of Neocoronavirus needs to be judged according to the patient’s condition and physical condition. If the patient’s symptoms are mild after infection with the Omicronavirus strain, the fever usually lasts for 1~2 days. However, in most cases, the fever lasts for 3 to 5 days after infection with Omicron. If the patient’s condition is severe, the fever may last longer than 7 days. Patients infected with omicron need to seek medical attention, and the doctor will determine the specifics of the case based on the patient’s condition. In addition, patients infected with Omicron should be isolated and treated under the supervision of a doctor, and they should get enough rest and avoid overwork during treatment.

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