How to relieve pain from a pregnancy toothache and what are the best remedies

There is no cure for toothache in pregnancy, it may be tooth decay, pulpitis, etc. You can relieve the pain by rinsing the mouth, local cooling, opening the pulp and drainage, local rinsing and medication.
1. tooth decay: toothache during pregnancy, if it is caused by tooth decay, keep the mouth clean, insist on rinsing, remove food debris in the mouth, can also remove part of the pathogenic bacteria around the teeth.
If the swelling is caused by pericoronitis you can use a low-temperature towel on the cheek ice packs to reduce nerve sensitivity to relieve pain.
2. Pulpitis: If the pain is more severe, you need a professional physician to clean the tooth locally, drill the tooth to open the pulp chamber, relieve the pressure of the pulp chamber, remove the necrotic tissue, and relieve the pain.
3. Wisdom tooth pericoronitis: If the pain, redness and swelling are severe, you can ask your doctor to rinse and medicate the localized blind pocket to relieve the pain.
If you have a toothache in pregnancy, it is recommended that you seek medical attention and standardize your treatment under the guidance of your physician.

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