Do you still let the baby eat when you’re back on the breast?

When returning milk, you usually can’t let the child continue to eat milk, which will easily lead to the failure of returning milk. Women have a clear goal to determine to return to the milk after the child should not be allowed to eat milk, the child in the process of eating milk will stimulate the body’s prolactin secretion increases, the milk secretion increases after not easy to return to the success of the milk. Some women are through the drug to go back to the milk, such as vinyl estradiol, vitamin B6, etc., the drug may enter the milk, this time is not recommended to let the child continue to eat milk, so as to avoid the drug affects the normal growth and development of the child. Determine to return to the milk do not let the baby drink milk, also try to reduce the drink some soup food, return to the milk during the breast may appear fullness, pain and other uncomfortable symptoms, do not easily give up at this time, about a week or so, these uncomfortable symptoms will be relieved. The precautions to be taken during the period of milk return are quite a lot, please go to the hospital in time, consult the professional medical personnel and choose the appropriate way to return the milk. The above drugs need to be used in a standardized manner under the guidance of a doctor to avoid adverse consequences.

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