How long does it take to see the effects of taking Fufang Xuanju Capsules at 60 years old

How long it takes for 60-year-olds to see the effects of Fufang Xuanju Capsules cannot be generalized, and there are individual differences. Taking the drug 4 weeks for a course of treatment, usually after taking a course of treatment can be effective, it is recommended to use under the guidance of a professional physician.
Compound Xuanju Capsules is a kind of Chinese patent medicine, in which black ants are the main drug, with wolfberry, Epimedium, snakebeds and other Chinese herbs. It has the efficacy of warming the kidney, strengthening the yang, benefiting the qi and filling the essence, and dispelling wind-dampness.
Clinically, it is often used to treat kidney yang deficiency, symptoms such as fatigue (mental exhaustion, physical weakness), mental weakness, lumbar and knee weakness, coldness in the abdomen (abdomen), cold and slippery ejaculation of semen, cold limbs and frequent urination, low libido, functional erectile dysfunction and other conditions. It can also be used to improve rheumatoid arthritis kidney yang insufficiency, wind-cold paralysis caused by joint pain, swelling symptoms.
Taking Fufang Xuanju Capsules, generally 4 weeks a course of treatment, a course of treatment can be effective, so 60-year-old patients taking this drug generally 4 weeks can be effective. However, due to individual differences in the patient’s condition, the specific time for the effect of Fufang Xuanju Capsules can be individual differences.
During the administration of this drug, a small number of patients may experience adverse reactions such as skin allergy, nausea, gastric distension, burning sensation in the stomach and epigastric region. The contraindication of this product is not clear, Yin deficiency and fire should not take this drug.
Patients aged 60 years old taking Compound Colt Capsules should be under the guidance of a professional physician to identify the evidence, unauthorized use of medication may cause adverse consequences.

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