Lemon Chrysanthemum Tea

Lemon Chrysanthemum Tea has the effect of clearing heat and generating fluids, relieving heat and dispersing wind. Lemon Chrysanthemum Tea consists of lemon and chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemum is sweet, bitter and slightly cold in nature, and belongs to the lung and liver meridians. It has the effect of dispersing wind and clearing heat, calming the liver and brightening the eyes, generating fluids and relieving summer heat, and is often used in treating or relieving wind-heat colds, fever and cough, headache, dizziness, and eye redness and pain, sores and canker sores and poisons, and other diseases. Lemon is cool in nature, sour and sweet in taste, and belongs to the stomach and lung meridian. It has the effect of generating fluids and relieving heatstroke, harmonizing the stomach and tranquilizing the fetus. It is often used in the treatment or relief of heatstroke and thirst, loss of appetite, pregnancy vomiting and other diseases. Thus, lemon and chrysanthemum have the efficacy of clearing heat and generating fluids, relieving heatstroke and dispersing wind, but the efficacy of tea is not as good as decoction, which can’t play a better role in treating diseases. It is recommended that patients who need it consult a doctor before taking it, and do not use it privately, so as not to delay the condition.

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