How to self-treat TMJ disorder

TMJ disorders require the necessary treatment in addition to the hospital, personal self-care is also a very important part of the prevention and treatment of such diseases, mainly in the following two aspects: 1. Observe and correct bad habits: avoid clenching teeth, the bite in the natural state should be the upper and lower lips lightly closed, upper and lower teeth lightly touching or not touching, the jaw is in a completely relaxed state, when mental tension or conscious upper and lower teeth clenching When nervous or conscious clenching of upper and lower teeth, it will increase the burden on teeth and joints, increase the tension of jaw muscles and become a hidden problem, leading to the onset of excessive fatigue; night grinding is a common bad habit and should be promptly diagnosed and treated; avoid long-term chewing of too hard food, such as beef jerky, nuts, melon seeds, beef trotters, hard and tough pancakes, pancakes and French bars, etc., which will increase the burden on joints and surrounding muscles, reasonably match the diet and avoid long-term chewing In addition, do not use your teeth to bite directly into the shell of walnuts and other nuts, and do not use your teeth to open the cap of a wine bottle; do not do heavy knocking, which is not conducive to dental health; avoid opening your mouth too much, the normal opening range is generally 3.7-4.5cm, which is about the width of the last three fingers of the index finger, middle finger and ring finger together in adults, exceeding this range is over-open mouth; normal life In normal life, yawning and eating large pieces of food may cause over-opening of the mouth, which may cause laxity of the ligaments around the joints and even dislocation of the jaw in the long run; 2. Develop good oral health habits: timely diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases to prevent the expansion of the disease, and choose a trusted dentist for accurate and quality treatment; during the growth and development period, more food with a certain degree of hardness should be consumed to facilitate sound jaw and facial muscle function.

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