Three volts to maintain health, eat more three potatoes

Potatoes: prevent emotional heatstroke Potatoes contain vitamin C and are high in calories. People with “emotional heatstroke” are most likely to suffer from negative emotions such as depression, discouragement and restlessness. Potatoes can help you replenish vitamins A and C and replace the imbalance of food pH caused by excessive meat consumption, keeping you away from bad moods. Purple potato: vascular anti-allergy Purple potato is rich in iron, selenium and anthocyanins. Selenium and iron is the body’s anti-fatigue, anti-aging, blood necessary elements, especially selenium is known as the “king of anti-cancer”, easily absorbed by the body. Anthocyanins are powerful antioxidants that can also enhance blood vessel elasticity, improve the circulatory system, inhibit inflammation and allergies, and improve joint flexibility. Dioscorea yam: skin moisturizing and spleen strengthening Yam is scientifically known as dioscorea, which contains dioscorea soap, which promotes the synthesis of endocrine hormones, promotes the metabolism of skin epidermal cells, enhances the skin’s moisturizing function and improves the physique. In addition, the summer diet is prone to gastrointestinal discomfort, eat some yam can also help. According to the “Compendium of Materia Medica”, yam is warm, sweet and flat, non-toxic, can strengthen the spleen and stomach, benefit the lungs and kidneys, moderate consumption can help digestion, detoxification and detoxification of alcohol. The three volt days are hot and humid, “bitter summer” difficult. And often eat some yams, potatoes and purple potatoes can nourish the heart, calm the mind, regulate emotions, but also strengthen the spleen and stomach, anti-aging, lower cholesterol, refreshing and healthy through these three volt days!

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